Friday 6 July 2012

Goals? Pah, who needs goals ....

It has been a really exciting few weeks for me. I have attended a couple of training sessions for the day job, and they have proved to be great fodder for the novels I'm working on- and even gave me some pretty incredible material for the already published Date with Destiny, which is making me consider a re-write to add all the amazing new stuff that is springing to mind!

This is the joy for me of self-publishing. It means that I have absolute control. If I find a new scene or number of them I can easily add them,and make my book better. Once a book is completed with a publisher that's it, nothing mroe to be done.

This dilemma made me think about the tings we shut of in life as 'finished' because someone else has sanctioned them so. I think it is why many people can feel a little flat when they achieve a long cherished goal - they simply don't feel it really is complete, someone else is telling them that it is so.

In business we are often told to set goals and targets, because the achievement of these makes you feel good,and begins the process of momentum. Personally I'm not entirely sure about this. I find I work much better without definite goals to achieve - because once I achieve goals I tend to take my foot of the pedal, and start letting things slip! Writing is the same for me. I recently tried to set myself the goal of writing a chapter a week, and an alternative of this was to write for an hour a day. I never managed to achieve these goals - yet when I took the pressure off of having to place a tick in a box at the end of the day/week I have managed to write some really great scenes (I hope you will love them too when I get these books finished and published for you!)

In my business I find it hard to set goals, because my goal is to help anyone who wants my help to have a better life. That excites me and gets me going - the idea of aiming for 1,000 twitter followers, or facebook likers, or 10 blog comments a week or whatever is tough for me to get excited about. It isn't as tangible as seeing a person blossom in front of me. In the same way as a writer, all you can do is hope that people will like what you are publishing, you rarely see the expression of joy, or the tears of compassion as they are actually reading that book.

My goal is to make people happier, healthier, to get them enjoying every aspect of life. It isn't to earn £100,000 a year (though I wouldn't say no to that!!), or to have certain number of clients on my books, or to know that 1,000 copies of my books have been sold. I live for the connection I have with people, with you my lovely readers.

So, let me know about you, I want to know what you want, what you dream of, what you hope to be.
Get in touch!
love always
Rosie xxx

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