Thursday 26 May 2011

Writers block ....

I apologise for the massive break in dropping in and writing anything, but I have been suffering from perennial writer's block. I haven't been able to even manage to shortest of Twitter feeds recently - let alone a full blog post! But I have realised that my block has been largely self-imposed. I haven't forced myself to sit down and write, and have allowed the boredom of life after the mania of self-publishing 3 books really get to me. I felt I deserved a bit of a break - and now my July deadline for 'Amorous in Australia' (very obviously a working title!) is looming and I have only written one chapter! I have got some serious work to do, and I think I can anticipate some very late nights between now and July end.

All joking aside though, even though my deadline is self-imposed it doesn't make it any less breakable. I promised those of you who have read the first two books that it would be available at the end of July and I intend to keep my promise - but I am finding writing a prequel really difficult.

The story is about Anna and Jim, who if you have read 'An Aristocratic Awakening' will know are married, and expecting their first child. But I felt that their story was worth telling as it is very romantic, and they so nearly didn't make it - but it is the first time that I have ever written anything already knowing what the outcome is - I normally just get to know my characters better than I know myself, and then let them write their own stories, the end is often as much of a surprise to me as to you my readers - but in this case, its already known to me and to you, so it is even more essential that the characters and how they get to that point truly sing.

I think it is that which has made it so tough for me to get to grips with it and write anything that I am happy with. Wish I'd started with Martha, Lady Caroline - or even something completely different ......