Saturday 23 June 2012

Bob is a Furryhead!

It's been a pretty quiet week, just typing up some bits and pieces of scenes from my notebooks to see if anything was worth using. Not sure where these little poems would fit, and I don't think they are worth spending much time on revamping or re-crafting, so thought I would post them here for you all. Hope you enjoy!

The Green Chair – Alzheimers comes to stay

Clunk, splutter, giggle.
A mass of household goods,
a chest, a table, some cutlery
sliding on every bend.

Scrape, gasp, wriggle.
The pigtails bounce with glee,
a whole new world of discovery
contained in a blue work van.

 Murmur, shout, backfire.
Mum tells us to sit and behave,
the huge chair holds safe
as we all go along for the ride.

Screech, crunch, retire.
We make it safely home,
the blue van now stands empty,
Grandma now reigns over our home.


An evening to reflect
A day that started bright
An afternoon of contentment
And an evening to relax.

 What will happen down
the line, who knows, but
giving our all will make
it surely like to succeed?

 Nose to the grind, pedal
to the metal, pull those
socks up, and show fine
fettle. Do what you do

The rest will follow, and
all your results will be
for whatever input has been.
Find your way to work

 And be, love and live,
the rest will follow your
lead to the joy and
greatness you have found.

 Bob is a Furryhead

Bob is a furry head. He
squeaks and tweaks.
Curly pawed he gambols
and twitches. Paws on
a sixpence, big-eyed
and playful. Bob is a
furry head. He growls and
he hisses, bites like they’re
kisses. Play lace, or chase
mouse. Bob is in charge
of our house.

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